JSR Catalogs and Collections 2025 : Perennial Leeks and Onions, sexually fertile Garlics and other crops.


Joran's Seeds and Research,

Genetic Resources Collection:
JSR represents the world's largest commercial collection of vegetatively propagated leeks and onions, and sexually fertile garlic for the European continent. 

Pioneer in the referencing and collection of perennial leek cultivars, genetic resources associated with it and the development of new lines.

Independent in varietal development:
Different crops such as lettuce, rocket, chard and snake radish are included in innovative research and development programs, focusing on ease of cultivation, perenniality, drought resistance and naturalization capacity in agro-ecological production systems.


eBay store : here


- JSR Collection : 🇬🇧
Vegetatively propagated leeks, sexually fertile garlics and their related species: 

- Collection JSR : 🇫🇷
Poireaux multipliés végétativement, ails sexuellement fertiles et leurs espèces apparentées : 


- JSR Collection : 🇬🇧
Vegetatively propagated onions their related species and their genetic resources : 

- Collection JSR : 🇫🇷
Oignons multipliés végétativement, leurs espèces apparentées et leurs ressources génétiques : 


- JSR Catalog : 🇬🇧
Vegetable seeds, genetic resources.
Tubers, young plants and others: 

- Catalogue JSR :  🇫🇷
Semences potagères, ressources génétiques.
Tubercules, jeunes plants et autres : 


Our ethics:

No chemical treatment is used during cultivation.
All ground work is carried out manually and is therefore as occasional and superficial as possible.
The crops are watered as little as possible.
When they are, it is rainwater stored during the winter.
No water is drawn from the natural environment.
Wild accessions collected in nature have been collected in a respectful manner.
No seeds or cloves sold have been collected in nature.


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